Saturday, November 14, 2009


With memories laden in oblivion light,

Carries he moments in casket bright.
Painted in travails time triggered,
Pinches it in pains sugared,
Often does the scar remove,
A thought long lost in lavish love.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

His little sunshine

A wanderer spirit unanchored,
Let loose in the vagaries tempestuous,
Saw he a little sunshine virgin,
Leaving the bosom of a caring refuge.

Fell she straight on a life anew,
Cozy green in satin wore afew,
Shy but firm stood she afresh,
Budding life promised the sprout near,
Buzzing race assured a bee so mere.

Fading the shades of day aside,
Left alone she wept beside,
Whimper heard a wanderer spirit,
Met his gaze in the tear reflect,
Imprisoned in her soul serene,
Drank he love in wineglass clear.

Fettered dwelled his soul in trance,
Yearning to show his heart for once,
Little sunshine caught unawares,
Left alone in a dusk that fell.
Still he lives in her alone,
Waiting for a morn to chariot in,
& drop her home in a heart he owns.